Monday, April 2, 2018

Pretty much a lazy day yesterday.  Did enjoy watching Netflix Wonder, though (as expected) there were no real surprises.  Just a "feel good" movie.   Marcie joined me and also enjoyed it, though Latina wasn't quite as impressed.

Too often the movie can be quite a disappointment, especially when the book has been so good - but I think they did an excellent job.

Alex came over for dinner last night, and then helped me with my new iPad.  Looks like now I may be able to actually access my blog on it now that the password issue has been fixed.

I was surprisingly awake all day yesterday, and even throughout the evening.  In fact I read until about 11:00.  And then I logged a good night's sleep.

This morning I did a whole lot more weeding, mostly on the small east side of the front.  The horses next door now have three huge piles of weeds to snack on, and there will be a lot less mowing needed over there.

Found this hummer nest on the ground yesterday, under the mulberry tree out back.  Luckily it seems to have been an abandoned one. 

See the feathers lining the inside?

Haven't found any currently-in-use ones so far this season, though being so tiny they are quite difficult to spot.  One year I didn't see a nest, with babies inside, until after I had trimmed the oleander.  I tucked the branch with the nest back into the hedge - but sadly the next day when I checked the babies were dead.

Tonight Alex is taking us to dinner before he leaves on another work trip.  The plan is to go out for sushi at Tokyo Lobby.

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