Wednesday, February 6, 2013

For the past week I have been wearing a brace on my thumb.  
Carol graciously loaned me hers (I know she's happy that her surgery has healed enough, at least on her left thumb, so that she no longer needs it) and it has been a big help.  Instead of constant ache, bordering on pain, I mostly 'just' have pain whenever I hold a pen and write.  Not ideal, but certainly a much better situation than it was!  There's always something to be grateful for.

When I was making a deposit at the bank the other day (while waiting to talk to a representative about the fraudulent use of my debit card) the young teller was making conversation and asked what I'd done to my hand.  He got a chuckle when I answered, "Just another perk of aging." 
 Looks like Minnie's left thumb is just fine...

I got my first 'nastygram' today, from the AZ Republic.  That didn't take long!
We value you as a subscriber - act now to continue receiving the news that matters most to you! We want to let you know that we were unable to obtain your Arizona Republic subscription payment from your account this month.  Please call (602) 444-1000 or (800) 332-6733 to pay your past due amount and update your account information in order to continue your convenient EasyPay subscription.

It's Wednesday, but I just can't muster the energy to get dressed and head off to quilting.  "I'm SO tired of being tired, tired of waiting for en-er-gy!"... new lyrics for an old song?

The annual WPA Winter Blast is coming up in Lake Havasu this month.  
I was really sorry to miss it (and virtually every other activity) last year, and I've been looking forward to going this year.  But the thought of driving 3 plus hours (unless Tom ends up going - he's never been, usually because of work) is less than appealing.  
Plus staying up into the evening (that's what you have to do if you want to watch fireworks...!) is also not a thrilling prospect.  
says Bobbi, once again.

I like how the Oreo folks took 'advantage' of the power outage at the Super Bowl for free advertising.  If you are unaware of their viral Tweet, here's the skinny on it:

Their actual Oreo commercial during the game was okay - but my favorite was the Budweiser one with the colt. Apparently I'm in good company!

And the Tide commercial about the Joe Montana stain was pretty funny.  Especially the very, very end!

Trying to energize.  Today is guest Garry's birthday.  
Not sure what the guys have planned to celebrate.  I certainly did not bake a cake....

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