Monday, November 24, 2014

SATURDAY NIGHT we watched one of the Netflix Mom had brought along, just in case we found time to watch (which isn't always the case.) It was a foreign film (with subtitles) called Captain Abu Raed, and had won Audience Choice at a major film festival; we all certainly enjoyed it.  The story is about a janitor who works at the airport (in Jordan) and is mistaken for a pilot by some of the underprivileged children in his neighborhood.  

SUNDAY we had a relaxing morning.  It was considerably nicer than the day before when I got up - as in 20 degrees warmer!  After breakfast, when I put out a leftover pear core and a peanutbutter-smeared pinecone for the critters, I barely needed a sweater.  After a leisurely lunch (when we polished off the last of the 3 different pizzas from last night) we said farewell to the Eastern Shore and headed home; I rode back with Andy while Mom rode with Sandy.  Andy and I talked the whole way, catching up on this and that, which was nice.  It had been way too noisy to talk much at Rachelle's wedding (plus we we seated at different tables for the dinner) and we were also seated at different tables at the scholarship dinner.  

The big excitement during our drive home was that we "almost" got hit by a plane.  We were on Route 50 when a small plane came out of nowhere from behind some trees to land at a local airport. The pilot touched down at the very beginning of the runway, which was adjacent to the highway.  When I said something about our close call Andy agreed that the pilot 'did seem awfully low.'

MONDAY I woke up today not feeling very refreshed; it had been extrememly windy last night, and I woke many times during the night to what sounded like a freight-train rushing by the 6th-floor windows.  Luckily there wasn't any place I needed to rush off to this morning.  It's been a leisurely morning of eventually showering and then catching up on the newspapers that had piled up over the weekend.  

I'm glad Cindy will be able to make it for lunch today (after having to cancel plans last Monday) and assume I should <g> be able to stay awake that long instead of crashing face-down into my crab soup.  The bigger question is will I still be functional after dinner tonight?  It's one of Mom's bridge nights, and I was planning to attend the 7:00 movie Crooked Arrows (about a Native-American lacrosse team that sounds like a feel-good story) but if I'm too tired by then 'them's the breaks.'

Waiting to hear how Lisa's move went yesterday (from Haight-Ashbury to a house in Palo Alto), but more importantly, how a friend's visit with her oncologist goes today.  Of course I'm hoping that the news will be the best possible, that she doesn't need to have chemo!

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