Tuesday, June 27, 2017

I decided to swing by the library before the gym to drop off (did not want the book on CD - that sadly would not play in Tom's truck for his road trip - to sit in the heat) and pick up, and then swung by the house to grab my water bottle - and there was Alex.  I didn't think he was getting back until today, but turns out that he arrived and slept at the back house last night. 

Of course I had to zoom off after a quick hug (and brief recap of the job in Wisconsin), and he was off to spend the day with friends who are grilling in his honor, but said we'd "surely" <lol> see him tomorrow - before he blasts off on tour Thursday.  The tour will swing through Phoenix the beginning of July (when we may need to pick him up and take him to the dentist to have his broken filling repaired) but otherwise he'll be gone until September.

After the gym Wanda came over and we headed up to Wildflower for her birthday lunch.  I'd found the blinking birthday glasses for her to wear (and I wore the blinking Fourth of July ones) so we were definitely noticeable.

After a delightful lunch we came back here and sewed.  I worked on Lisa's quilt (Wanda made me feel better about how it was turning out) while she cut fabrics so she'll be all ready to start sewing her purse on Friday.  She's using an adorable batik kitty fabric as her focus fabric.

To help us keep up our strength <g> Tom served us smoked trout
that he and Carlo had made up in Idaho.

Tomorrow night Tom is going to cook some of the walleye he brought home (we're hoping Alex will be able to join us) and we've also invited Wanda, who was delighted to accept. 

This afternoon Tom delivered some of the trout to Estera, who sent him home with a mega-chunk of goat cheese that Ben had made.  We can never eat all that, so Wanda got some to take home.  After all the baked goodies she has given us, Tom was thrilled to be able to send home something with her.  (He also dropped off some trout to John up the street, and no doubt we will get some venison in return during hunting season.) 

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