Monday, September 15, 2014

Last night I dreamed that I was in pain because my back was out, and Alex tried (in vain) to crack it for me - and then I woke up at 4:00 with a massive headache.  (Kind of like when I was pregnant and had 'morning' sickness all day long, and then one night even dreamed I was seasick!)  Luckily I was able to fall back asleep after I took some Tylenol. 

Subbing went well today, the morning in a 4th grade and the afternoon in a 5th grade due to departmental meetings.  Because I was covering for two different teachers, I was 'lucky' enough to be assigned two different playground duties.  The 15 minutes before school wasn't so bad, but the lunch recess at 1:00 was a tad warm (our high today was 103.)

And speaking of weather, the news here is full of warnings for Hurricane Odile, especially after our serious recent flooding.  And (just as I expected) the worst day (with a prediction of 3" of rain) is going to be Thursday... when we have irrigation.   

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