Yesterday I picked up June on the way to the Busy Bees monthly meeting. I wanted to bring along one of the step stools for her, but despite looking everywhere in the cottage (even places I knew it couldn't be, Mom!) there was no sign of the plastic blue one (maybe that's the one that's now been relocated to her Riderwood laundry room?) Also MIA was the sturdy red/blue one from Lisa & Alex's childhood days that lived for a while in that linen closet. (We loved it - it was reversible for two different heights, and it certainly saw a LOT of use over the years, but a check on Goggle for a picture seems to indicate that it's no longer available.) I also checked Tom's shop, and my garage, but there was still no sign of either one. But when I arrived to pick up June, she had her plastic stool right there at the door.... and it certainly made her entry into my car easier! (And yes, I've added 'stool' to my Target list.)

Pennie was not at the meeting because their restaurant had been broken into the night before.
The thieves didn't take anything (apparently they were only after money, and there was none left there overnight) but Pennie had to be at the restaurant that morning when the glass folks were scheduled to come replace the broken window. So I still don't have Zach & Bekkah's quilt (or even know if it's finished.)
Lots of "Tells" at Show&Tell. One example: Louise was back from a long car trip to the NW, and mentioned a quilt store she'd visited that was in a hardware store. Tom and I did that in Panguitch, Utah back in September - but don't think that's where Louise encountered hers. Which means there are (at least) two combo stores like that....
Joni brought the next month's Row Along sample. It's going to be such a cute quilt when done.
Here's Louise sharing her butterflies and chevrons, previous months' rows.
(I am SO proud of being able to figure out how to put 2 pictures together like this on my own <G> without calling in Alex for tech help!)
Margery made up the most adorable Bee and Mouse pouches (stuffed with matching pincushion scissors holder, needle keeper, and thimble holder.) We definitely need her to do a class on these!
Several of the ladies brought in their Busy Bee blocks from Louise's class.... that Joyce taught. (Are you confused?)
Joyce made up a carrying case for her iron, and when opened, the bag became a pressing cloth. Looks like another great class in the making...
My first shot was a better (side) view of the bag but a horrible shot of Joyce ...and I'd like to keep her as a friend!
Peggy made this quilt top using whole bunch of 1.5" squares someone (I forget who) gave her.
She said making it drove her nuts... and admitted that 'it was a very short trip" for her. Next time (although she was quite vocal that there would not be a next time for a quilt like this!) maybe she'll take someone else's advice and offset each row, at least avoiding having to match up the seams. Work smarter, not harder!
Sharon created this quilt using the BOMs from Foothills 2011. Instead of making up just one block to turn in, she worked up two and kept one - and this is where those second blocks ended up. (That pp schoolhouse block brings back some VERY frustrating memories.... and apparently I was not the only one tearing out my hair that month!)
I still have the flip flop and ice cream cone blocks that I 'won' (thank you, Joyce!) waiting patiently for me to get around to putting in a quilt. Maybe after I finish up Jeff & Priscilla's wedding quilt (which I plan to start next month!!!) I can get caught up on some of my own projects, so sadly neglected.
Bella and crew cleaned the house in the afternoon. (Now that I'm feeling better and my energy is returning, it's getting harder to justify having them come in each month.) Usually I can converse some with Teresa (who has almost no English) using my little bit of Spanish. But yesterday I was at a total loss... seems my brain is still in French mode.
While related, the two languages are definitely not interchangeable,
and I just could not switch gears!
In the evening we took Ben and Estera out for dinner at the Pho restaurant to celebrate his recent birthday. We got there first, and were all set up for the kids when they arrived. I put Willie next to me (that way B&E had a chance to enjoy their meal, and I got to play grandma!) While we were waiting for our orders I had some noodles brought out for Willie (at 21 months he's not exactly good at waiting when he's hungry) and boy were they STICKY! Good things kids are washable! This dessert picture was taken with my cellphone. It was really cute watching Willie 'blow' on the candle.