WEDNESDAY was Sew Day at Foothills, and I got a start on the hand-binding on Mia's quilt. (I was not the only one who opted not to schlep my machine and do handwork instead.) Didn't get as far around the quilt as I'd hoped (too much visiting?) but I did find new homes for all the baby aloes, and all but one of the quilting books I brought to donate.
On the way home I swung by Home Depot, where I bought the door moulding for Alex to attach when he gets home. (Tom didn't sound too excited about doing that.) Unfortunately HD was out of stock on the light fixture we chose for the back porch, but I did find a screw hook so Alex can hang the philodendron on the back post when he gets home. The hook rated to 250 pounds, so it should be find to hold any plant!
Later in the afternoon I popped over to Ila's to "shop" the panels she'd scored at a recent sale. She plans to bring them to the Charity Sew Day to donate this coming Wednesday, but I'll be at the Busy Bees Charity Sew Day (and Ice Cream Social) then. We'll be making banana splits. Anyone surprised that I signed up to bring the chocolate syrup?
I came home from Ila's with these two cuties, which are brighter than they appear in the pix. I'm thinking some pinwheel blocks would work for borders.
Before I headed over to Ila's house (for the first time) I thought it probably <G> would be a good idea to add her phone number to my iPhone, but experienced some difficult finding the add contact option with the + sign. So I got out my handy dandy iPhone book, but (as usual) the index was worthless. Using logic and common sense, I searched for contact, add, phone, etc. but eventually I gave up in disgust.
Who writes these "instruction" books that skip over important basics?!?!
I met her husband James (from Jamaica) and learned about a native plant for salads that he grows. Forget the name of it, but it's sort of a cross between spinach and kale, and I thought it tasted good.
THURSDAY morningTom mowed Back 40 while I did my own couple hours of yardwork. After a much-needed shower I was getting dressed and ready to head to gym when Antoine cancelled because he wasn't feeling well. We all know how I feel about missing the gym...
And yes I still could have gone to the gym and worked out on my own...
Instead I did some sewing on the jellyroll sizzle and also got started on the charity quilt, with the sheep fabric, for Busy Bees. Don't want to schlep my machine next week so the plan is to bring in a completed top.
The monsoon threatened in the afternoon, with dark skies, wind, and an accompanying dust storm - but (again) without any rain. Hope we're not in for another NONsoon season...
FRIDAY morning Tom mowed the back yard while I cleaned up the pool from the previous day's "storm" and also trimmed the oleanders in the jungle. After I got myself cleaned up I headed over to Linda's mid-morning. The raffle quilt she's been embellishing is most impressive, and I see why she wanted to show it to me. I definitely will be buying some tickets!
I had brought along some quilting books I thought Linda would like - and I was right! Always nice to rehome things I'm not going to use, especially when I can find just the right person who will enjoy them.
Kingsley was not at all happy with my presence (even though I didn't even try to engage with her), but Zahn was happy to get an invite to swim over her "one of these days."
Here he was in 2016, when Linda brought him over to swim.

After I left Linda's I popped over to Bob's Variety, looking for fabric. (Their prices are great!) Everything I used in the main part of the quilt came out of my stash, but despite all my choices just couldn't find the right fabric for the border. Settled on these hearts Bob's:
SATURDAY I worked two hours in jungle, trimming and raking until the organics can was full. By then it felt good to get into the pool and help Creepy vacuum spots it'd missed.
Mary came over for a visit, and admired how well the plants are doing; our experiment has a third sprout, and my new aloe garden got a big thumbs up. She also approved of the charity quilt I'm working on for Busy Bees, and I passed along the pattern they are going to work on Wednesday "just in case" she wants to whip up one before Wednesday; she also does not want to schlep her machine.
Later in the day I assembled my blocks -
Of course it will look better with a border.
Yummy stir fry for dinner (nice to have Tom cooking) and then lots of wind in the evening - but still no rain to make up for messing up the nice clean pool. If we're going see any rain it'll likely be closer to Tuesday evening, when we'll be getting our next irrigation.

SUNDAY started with pool cleaning and plant watering. Puttered around until Costco opened at 10, and bought a 50# bag of birdseed. One of the doves kept fluttering by the front window this morning, as if to let me know the feeder was empty.
This afternoon I put borders on the charity top.
Also watched The Janes documentary. Excellent, and (sadly) timely.
The Janes tells the story of a group of unlikely outlaws. Defying the state legislature that outlawed abortion, the Catholic Church that condemned it, and the Chicago Mob that was profiting from it, the members of Jane risked their personal and professional lives to help women in need. From 1968 - 1972 in the pre-Roe v. Wade era –– a time when abortion was a crime in most states and even circulating information about abortion was a felony in Illinois –– the Janes provided low-cost and free abortions to an estimated 11,000 women.