Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Last evening I used Terry's phone to call Patti and we all sang her Happy Birthday.  I didn't talk long because they were just sitting down to dinner, but long enough to ask if she'd started back to work that day.  She hadn't.  :)

Tom took an alarm clock (set for for 4:15!) out to the truck with him last night because this morning he needed to pick up Reggie on The Row at 5:00.  The plan was to meet Reggie's friend (Mike?) at 9:00 near Lake George (where Mike owns some property) and go rock hunting. I woke up at 5:05 this morning and did not really want to get out of bed, but I am a big believer in Murphy's Law.  IF I didn't go check, the alarm clock would not have gone off and Tom would still be asleep.  If I did go check, the truck would (of course) be gone. So I got up. <g> The good news is that after confirming that the truck was indeed gone I eventually went back to sleep (and slept in) so it's been a lazy morning.  

I did, however, clean the bathroom and start a load of towels for Terry.  She mentioned that Michael had commented on how much help we have been (did I mention that yesterday Tom helped hang the large second gate) and added that she certainly is in no hurry for us to leave.  My assumption was we'd blast off in a week (after bookclub) but Terry says she doesn't need us to leave until the next (big) wave of company arrives August 12th.

Here it is 10:30 and I haven't even been up to the pools yet.  At this rate I'm guessing I've lost my opportunity for swimming laps.  If I said I was crushed would you believe me? Lol

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