Saturday, July 25, 2015

Another busy morning at the Party Pool.  For starters, I learned to count to 5 in Hungarian: egy, ketto, harom, negs, ot.  (Thank you, Edit.) 

Then I practiced my stone-stacking skills, making it to 5 today.

It didn't last long, because  this 5-month-old puppy (does anyone else see a pattern developing here?) came to investigate, and there went my stack of rocks.

These dogs behaved more maturely, waiting patiently for their people outside the swimming pool gate.

Took more photos, this from the trail between the Party and Swimming pool.

Lots of pretty flowers around the swimming pool.

Walking back to the house I always check out the cars for interesting bumper stickers, etc.  These intrigued me, so once back at the house I checked it out on the computer.

FSM stands for Flying Spaghetti Monster, the "deity of Pastafarianism, a social movement that opposed the teaching of intelligent design and creationism in schools.  It was first described by Bobby Henderson in a 2005 open letter to the Kansas State Board of Education to protest their decision to permit teaching intelligent design as an alternative to evolution in public schools science classes." 

Can't figure out how to post the link using my iPad, but you can look it up for yourself.

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