Monday, October 17, 2016

Tom arrived home yesterday shortly after I'd left for Boot Camp (which is still kicking my butt, though I'm finally lasting the entire hour, and able to do longer planks, more push-ups, and even some crunches)  By the time I got home he'd had a shower and was relaxing in his recliner.

I was (pleasantly) surprised that he had actually noticed (and commented on) some of the mucking I had done.  He'd also peeked into the bathroom where he saw the new counter - but the new paint on the walls had not registered.

After an early dinner it was a lazy evening.  Before Tom crashed (early!) we watched a Netflix (5 Flights Up) which didn't contain any surprises but was enjoyable enough, especially since it didn't take much concentration.  

Today Gary is coming by to see some of the new rock Tom collected (and he can help Tom move all of the equipment out of the living room and back into the shop.) Aja is coming by to visit Tyga <g> and wrap Alex's birthday gift before she flies out late tonight.

I have decided to wait until next week to finish painting the bathroom (when Tyga isn't around to 'help') so I may even get some quilting done.

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