Sunday, September 18, 2016

By the time we left for dinner last night (at the Beaver Street Brewery) I was done sewing for the night. I only had 30 blocks done because of a mini-crisis right before lunch. In a hurry to finish up a block I ran into a pin at the very end of the last seam, bending the needle and mangling the pin. Then I lost track of how many times I unscrewed the plate (naturally one of those screws is really hard to get to even with the short little tool), 'fixed' what I thought was the problem, then screwed everything back together only to discover I still had a problem.  Eventually (with Cindy's help) I got going again, though it took well over an hour, and at one point I was worried I might be done sewing for the weekend.

Got a good night's sleep (think we all slept in) and this morning I hope to make a serious dent in the rest of the blocks because after lunch we'll need to pack up and head home.

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