Thursday, August 17, 2017

Last night, when I was getting my pool bag ready for the morning, I realized that I had left my water bottle (with the distinctive blue hoodie) up at the apple pool.  Happy to report that it had waited there patiently until I arrived to retrieve it late this morning.

Also at the apple pool was the same little girl (Wren) who had been there last night with her dad for a quick soak before heading on the bat hike. This morning she was there with her mom Annie.  I had offered to take some pix of them last night, but Dad had declined.  However, Annie said he'd mentioned "the nice lady" who had offered, and it sounded like he was sorry later that he'd declined. Annie was more than happy to have me take pix, so I snapped away and got some good ones.

Up at the Party Pool later, I introduced a group to Sam McGee.  The only one already familiar with him was poet William Climbing Sun.  He and Carol are visiting from Florida.

After my (well-received) recitation, I asked him to recite one of his poems -
which I absolutely LOVED!  It hasn't been published yet (will be included in his next volume) but he's promised to send me the text of it.

He also mentioned a novel he's published, and a book of prose poetry, so once back at the house I did a search.  He "forgot" to mention that at one point he was a Senior Engineer in Aerospace Design, and in addition to teaching poetry is president of a construction company that designs custom homes. 
Design of many new and totally rebuilt landmark custom homes in Santa Cruz County, California. Most are active or passive solar, several with solariums and/or atriums. Many of these homes employ recycled & green materials and finishes. Currently designing a four-story Buddhist stupa (shrine) for a local retreat center.
I enjoy meeting such interesting folks here!

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