Sunday, July 10, 2016

More bad news this afternoon. The Coaldale Fire, by Hayden Pass, is quite visible here - and since it's in an unpopulated area there hasn't been much effort to contain it (since it started yesterday) because the equipment and manpower is busy at the Nederland Fire where there are houses threatened.  It's not likely to come up over the ridge and then down toward us, and it helps that the wind is blowing away from us (at least for the moment) but It's still sad to see all that smoke and know that some of the forest is being destroyed.

Terry had gone to town to meet a friend for lunch (Steve and I have been tag-teaming, watching Neil) and when she got back gave me the update on Elinor. Because Elinor had thrown a clot yesterday they had put her on blood thinners - but when she started bleeding in her abdomen today they took her off the blood thinners and have moved her into ICU to keep a closer eye on her for more clots. Obviously she will not be leaving the hospital tomorrow for rehab.

The update on Quinton is equally sad. After a bad day at work, and then an argument with his girlfriend, he hung himself.  Obviously devastating news to everyone.

Tomorrow Terry has a doc appointment in Pueblo (usually less than a 3-hour drive, though of course the fire may close the highway and send her a much longer route), and then plans to continue up to Denver to see Elinor in the hospital. The good news (and Terry could sure use some!) is that between Steve, Tom, and me, and Nancy (once-a-week helper, who will be here on Tuesday) she can stay in Denver for a while to be with Elinor.

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