Friday, February 10, 2017

Since I slept so late and had nothing in me except my ersatz coffee, I ran out of steam at the end of my workout this morning.  At least I got virtually all of it finished before my body said ENOUGH!

Tom fixed the phone this morning; seems the modem was simply unplugged.  I'm going to blame it on Alex, who asked about the second modem when he tried to fix an issue of not getting WiFi at the back house. 

The schedule for next week's irrigation came out yesterday - but we're not on it.  Which is beyond strange, since we're on automatic sign-up and I know we have plenty of $ in our account.  I talked with Sue this morning, and it turns out that "someone" crossed our name off of the list.  (She did think it was strange since we always take water.)  Looking back at the sign-up sheet it appears that the same person who crossed out the folks up-ditch from us also crossed us off.  So on my way over to school this afternoon I decided to stop in and talk with them... except that their house turned out to be empty.  Did find out from Hilda, who lives across the street from that house, that they couldn't keep up with the large property and moved into something smaller (which of course explains why they have not been taking water for a while.)  In any event, Sue now knows that IF we get crossed off again she should check with me!

It was another excellent session at school this afternoon.  I worked with 4 boys today, and things went even better than last week.  One of them got his opinion paragraph (What is the best day of the week?) done so quickly that I had him pick his own topic (best TV show, or food, or game, etc.)  So I was surprised when he chose to write about his favorite Reading Specialist: me!  We finished up ahead of time, but the boys didn't want to go back into class.  So instead I worked on an auditory memory game with them (because I'm pretty sure that is the issue with one of the boys) which they obviously enjoyed.

When I got home Tom and Alex were bagging leaves out back.  

Part of the backyard was mowed, and I commented on how nice it looked.  Apparently the riding mower had been delivered while I was off at school, but 10 minutes into mowing it crapped out and Tom had to call Charlie to come pick it up again.  Bummer, especially after paying $450 worth of repairs!

There's a good possibility of rain tomorrow, 
so it would have been nice to get everything mowed beforehand.

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