Monday, February 29, 2016

Yesterday's MIA penguin shirt is appearing in my Image file today  :)

along with this one that I was able to save this morning.

Also forgot to share one of Mom's stories from a recent phone call.  She wears a medical alert necklace, even to bed, because if she takes it off and leaves it on the nightstand and then is on the other side of her King-sized bed when she experiences an issue, or she falls on the way to the bathroom during the night, she would have no way to call for help.  

Of course it's inevitable that occasionally she will roll over in bed and set it off.  At that point she gets a phone call from Security to see if she really needs help.  Recently there was a thunderstorm, and after "the loudest clap of thunder ever" many of their phones were knocked out until the next day.  Mom has been deaf in one ear since early childhood, and is hard-of-hearing in the other.  Of course at bedtime she takes out her hearing aid and sets it in a little dish.

Apparently during the night she set off the alarm, and since they had no way to call her they came over to the apartment and knocked on the door.  Even if she were awake she would not hear that from her bedroom, and once she's asleep there's no chance.  So of course they came in to check on her.  She's always been a very sound sleeper (even as young kids we knew to wake up Dad during the night if we needed something) so it's not surprising that Security had difficulty waking her up, and were pretty sure she'd had some sort of medical emergency.  Luckily all was well - and she says she's "getting used to" waking up in the middle of the night to find "strange men" in her apartment.

I don't know how many times this has happened, but sure hope that the Security folks at Riderwood don't get complacent at some point after all of her false alarms!

I watched the Oscars last night, and look forward to getting to see many of the winning/nominated films at some point on Netflix!

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