Sunday, February 14, 2016

After breakfast I swept off the back porch (which really needed it), then scrubbed down the gross area all around Pokey's crate (which REALLY needed it), watered the patio plants and hosed off the whole porch.  

I'm sure I didn't get everything, but once it dries and I see the final result it will HAVE to look better than it did.  And with all the dirt and leaves gone it should help to keep the house a little cleaner.

Lunch was yummy - leftover chicken, steak and broccoli from last night.  Alex totally cleaned his plate, so when I got full I offered him what I couldn't finish from mine.  But he 'reminded' me that it would make a perfect lunch for me, which it did.

Now it's time for a shower, and then I guess I'll have to schlep to the grocery store *sigh* or there won't be any dinner on the table tonight!

Once I return from that hated chore I should be able to do something fun....

like post more quilt pix!

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