Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Reading in the sun yesterday made me sleepy, so around 3:00 I seriously considered a nap. The first time I was about to drift off I got a text. I turned off my cell phone so that wouldn't happen again, but then about the time I was about to drift off the home phone rang (I did not bother getting up to answer it.) The third time I got close to falling asleep did not turn out to be a charm: Tilly barked at something. So no nap today for me.

Which makes me wonder why I didn't sleep well last night.  After a trip to the bathroom at 1:00 I could not fall back asleep.  At 2:00 I turned on the light and read until 3:00.  Last time I checked my watch I was still awake at 3:30.

Tom gets to do the same thing tonight.  He'll have to do the gates on 35th Ave. at 12:55, and then let our water go at 3:12.  Alex, who had agreed to take care of it, was summoned to Las Vegas by his boss and Tom told him he "had" to go.  This is what Alex posted yesterday; too bad he's working so hard... <g>

Am off to Foothills in a few, 
so 'may' be posting some pix of pretty quilts later today!

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