Thursday, March 12, 2015

Paul and his crew arrived around 7:00, and finished up around noon.  As always they did a wonderful job, and everything should be much happier now!

Here one of the guys is just getting started on the grapefruit tree.  As the limbs came down we saved a whole bunch, but after a while I realized there were just too many.  These two tubs don't represent even half of what I collected!

The inside of the tree has been cleared of deadwood

and should make harvesting next year a whole lot simpler!  And as you can see, Alex, we still have plenty still left on the tree "just in case" you go through the zillions in the tubs and bags!?

The orange tree didn't need such a drastic trim.  Here are what those two look like now.

The lemon tree, however, was a different story.  Once they got into it, they discovered that the weight of the lemons had broken many of the branches (not surprising) and the tree needed some drastic work done.  I gave him carte blanche since he's always done a great job over the years, and I'm going to assume he is right when he says it'll grow back in no time.  However, since we never made a dent in the lemons anyway we should still have more than enough even if it takes its time filling out.

Today, "Before" picture

Remember this is what's left on the tree after Ben was here earlier this week 
and harvested a few zillion lemons:

It is such a shame to waste so many, but around here 
everyone has citrus trees and you can't give the things away...

I had hoped Pokey would stay in her crate today (some of these beautiful mornings she has when I've forgotten to open her "door" and turn off the heat lamp.)  That way the guys could leave the gate open (they were making constant trips through it, dragging limbs to the mulcher) plus I wouldn't have to worry about her getting hit with a falling branch, or the guys tripping over her.  She, of course, had other ideas, and came out shortly after they arrived. 

At least she did stay on the porch for most of the time, though I didn't trust her and sat in the lawn chair to read and keep an eye on her.  And as long as I had my camera handy I also took a pic of my errant  toe nail.

And now it's time to go make a gallon (or two) of OJ!

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