Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Last night my banged up toenail (on the big toe) decided it had grown out "enough" and was ready to come off on one side.  With a considerable amount of trimming/filing I think I have managed to keep it from ripping all the way across my toe, thus heading off additional pain.  At least I didn't snag it on anything while I slept last night; so far, so good!

Additional information from Alex (regarding his latest 'adventure', at the Mexican airport) came through last night.  Apparently there was an acquaintance of theirs on the plane, so all the guys ended up sitting together during the flight.  Except that this "dumb guy" was behaving like an idiot (no details on that yet) so after the plane landed all of them were 'escorted' into some sort of interrogation room to sort things out.  

because expressing how dumb that was in words just doesn't work

In the end nobody was arrested, 
although Alex says the officials were pretty pissed off. 

Most likely they were just trying to scare the boys (and I assume it worked!)  

Certainly NO parents want to hear that their child has been arrested... 
but in a foreign country? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

Just another Life Lesson about choosing your friends wisely - 
(and also avoiding those acquaintances who could drag you down...)

Choose wisely!

In the Weather Dept: temps today will be kissing 90, 
so those pesky triple digits are just around the corner.  

I will do my best not to complain about them during the next 6 months, 
and try to stick to my mantra:

Remember this past Winter back East,
Remember this past Winter back East,
Remember this past Winter back East,
Remember this past Winter back East!

Our home phone died on Monday... 

Naturally, since that was the phone number given to the various medical folks RE Tom's results.  (He wasn't sure if his cell phone would work property after its unplanned swim the day before, and in fact it has been a tad unpredictable since then.)  

The technician (Lynne) tried to fix it from her end yesterday, where her equipment did show a short in the line "somewhere".  The process involved me running all over the house, unplugging all the phones and then plugging them back in; unfortunately that required me to make Tom get up out of his recliner so I could get to the outlet in the corner behind him. 

Lynne was optimistic, saying she can fix "90-some percent" of these issues from her end.  Naturally <Murphy's Law> we turned out to be in the other less than 10 %.  

So this morning COX will be sending someone out to see if s/he can fix the problem.  We always lose our phone when we get heavy rains (think I've mentioned the issue with water pooling in a low spot on the patio where the phone line goes underneath.) But our service had returned, as usual, a couple of days after the last rain.  So this short out is something new.


Deb called Tuesday to reschedule our citrus tree trimming from today to tomorrow, which actually works better for me.  Now this morning I didn't have to rush around with them.  Instead I can cut my fabrics into the required sizes and finish getting ready for Part II of the quilt class this afternoon.

Yesterday I made a trip to Target for the silver gel pen listed in the needed tools (I already have a red one), but despite the overwhelming choice of colors, silver was NOT one of them.  So I will just have to hope that the red one shows up well enough on the dark photo print, or that somebody else has one and I can share.

Tom just hobbled out of bed.  Between morning's usual stiffness, plus the fact that last night's pain pill has worn off, it's very painful just to listen to him.

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