Sunday, March 13, 2016

Since none of my partners in crime could go with me to the fabric store this morning I was forced to make a solo trip.  The good news is that I found something that will work, so I should be set to hand everything over to Monica at Busy Bees on Wednesday.

Today I finally made it to Jim's "Sunday Seminar" at the gym.  That's a rather innocuous title for a tough workout class!  Even though I didn't have to do as many squats, lunges, crunches, leg lifts, etc. as Karen, Holly and Valerie (long time attendees) I only lasted through the first half hour of the class.  When I wondered aloud if I'd be able to move tomorrow (and make it to my workout with him?) Jim said I should be fine tomorrow... it's more likely I'll be feeling the effects on Tuesday. Great....  

I stopped in at Kohl's afterward to get a new watch, then came home and had a little ice cream (don't tell Jim!) and then took a long soak in the hot tub to hopefully ward off some of the soreness.  Getting out of the tub I caught Tilly in the process of eating Pokey poop (YUCK!) so obviously I'm going to have to be more diligent about picking up after Pokey.

Alex found a baby turtle crawling through the RockStar booth on the beach and posted a short clip on Facebook.  I wanted to add it here, but (no real surprise) could not figure out how to do that.  

Obviously Alex is having a better Spring Break than Joel...

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