Monday, March 14, 2016

Either yesterday's pre-emptive soak did the trick, OR Jim was right <sigh> and my body isn't going to provide me with painful feedback until tomorrow.  Just to help things along I did take another long soak this morning.  A little soreness would okay, just means I used some new muscles.  But suffering is NOT on my agenda - any time!  That IS crazy! 

This morning I made several calls to make various arrangements for later in the week, and also trimmed a whole bunch of the lantana out front.  They are all volunteers - which may be exactly the reason that they have certainly made themselves at home.  It seems like I just trimmed them, but they keep growing like crazy!  So I just keep cutting back the long leggy stems with the goal of a nice thick plant.  Does seem to be working. 

Not sure where all the leaf litter on the front porch and driveway keeps coming from, but I did need to sweep up everything before watering the porch plants since some of their 'diapers' leak.  Tilly came outside to help (I used her new tie-out lead) though she was a little confused (and more than a little disappointed) that we were not going to take a walk

Yesterday I was told (by a friend who used to have one) that fox terriers can't swim, although a quick check on the Internet does seem to show lots of pix otherwise.  None of the informational sites on fox terriers that I skimmed through so far mention swimming at all.  Tilly has not shown any interest in the pool, though as summer heat approaches she might enjoy cooling off.  Once it warms up some more we will introduce her to the pool slowly at the step.  Even if she decides she's not much of a swimmer she should still be able to cool off!

Guess I should go get some more stuff done.

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