Thursday, March 10, 2016

I spent much of the morning taking care of stuff: made some phone calls, did some paperwork, sent some e-mails.  Then, on my trip out to the mailbox I saw Outlaw in the middle of the street.  He's a friendly guy, and came right over when I called him.  He and Tilly were wagging tails madly at each other through the glass door so I let him out back with her - and they had a blast playing together.  Too bad Barb came right over to collect him when I called her to let her know I had him, safe and sound.

I made a sleeve for my flip flop quilt, and got it 3/4 of the way sewed on before my hand (which had been feeling wonderful) started to kvetch at me, so I put it aside to finish tomorrow.  Still, the swelling seems to have gone down a little, and it's also a little less sensitive to touch, so I am going in the right direction.  

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