The chiropractor could not squeeze me in today (Stephanie said he was slammed and would be working through lunch) but I do have an appointment for first thing tomorrow morning.

Then I called the insurance folks, bur after I kept getting the recording I just decided to drive on over. Of course "Debora without an H" remembered me from last Monday, and was surprised to hear of the "cancellation" of Alex's BMW. Long story short: I sat in her office for an hour and listened to her on the phone with the powers that be, trying to straighten things out. I had told her I wasn't leaving until I had an actual piece of paper with his next 6-months proof-of-insurance, but finally decided to head over to WinCo and get Thursday's grocery shopping done and come back for the paperwork later. Since that's a huge store and I don't know where anything is it took longer than it should have (I criss-crossed the store several times), but while I was shopping Debora called to say she had gotten everything done.

On my way home with the groceries Stephanie called my cell, wanting to know how long it would take me to get to the chiropractor since they'd had cancellation. Of course I had to swing by the house first and at least put away the refrigerated stuff (which I'd prudently bagged into 2 separate bags "just in case" my back wouldn't let me drag all the groceries in) but the chiropractor is still a 30 minute drive from the house, and the appointment was in 10 minutes, so sadly I could not take advantage of the opportunity.
After I got the groceries unloaded it was noonish, so I called Debora to make sure she wasn't going to be closing up the office to go eat (she'd been the only one there this morning,) Since she was planning to head out to grab a bite, she offered to deliver the papers to me at the house. Although I protested that it wasn't necessary, and wasn't her job - I'd just check back later -she kept insisting. So I finally gave in.
Much of my afternoon was spent on the heating pad, reading. I am able to get up/down with fewer grimaces and sound effects, and am walking considerably less bent over than yesterday, but will definitely be glad to get a real tune-up tomorrow morning.
I also got two nice surprises this afternoon (I have wonderful friends!)
Butch had let me know she'd mailed me "a little something" for all my help (which honestly consisted of just sending an e-mail to another quilter to locate a pattern for her!) and it arrived from Tennessee this afternoon: a happy penguin card, and an adorable penguin mug rug! (It really is square - angle of pic makes it look wonky!)
Then Perri called to see if I was "receiving" - she wanted to stop by and deliver the children's book she'd picked up for me in Italy.
While she was here she got to see some of Tom's latest fire obsidian stones, and was properly impressed with them... and now she wants one! (Artist that she is, across a multitude of media, I'd LOVE to see what she'd do with one!)
After she left it was dinner time, and Tom asked if I'd thought to pick up anything at the store for dinner tonight.
I had my lengthy list, and I never even thought about tonight's dinner....just wanted to get out of there and come home and lie down. So Tom headed out to pick up sandwiches at Subway. That was when Colleen called with the news that she'd been rear-ended (at about 60 mph) this afternoon while she was stopped.
Of course she had 2 of the grandkids (3 and 5) in the back of the van, who both started screaming. No one seems hurt (of course whiplash could always show up later) but her van had to be towed. (Maybe she'll get a new vehicle out of all the aggravation and fright?) No surprise that Colleen is still quite shaken up - I remember how I felt a year ago when it happened to me!