Friday, January 20, 2017

Having been awake since before 4:00 this morning.  I did try to go back to sleep, but eventually gave up and read. I was pretty sure that whatever didn't get done early in the day would not happen, so this morning while the phone guy was here I did some more cutting for the wedding quilt.  The repairman actually got the phone working again (he fixed a short) but said the rain issue will continue to impact the old weathered wires, and should be fixed by switching over to a modem.  (And sure enough, after it poured all afternoon the phone now no longer works.)  So someone will be coming on Monday (since I have to be here for the duct cleaners, and then later the cleaning crew) to make that switch.

Considering all the rain we've gotten I was surprised to see that the next cycle of irrigation is still slated to start on Monday; it's extremely doubtful that anyone's yard needs more water at this point.  Further unhappy news is that we again are tasked with doing the gates on 35th Ave., meaning the "new" folks upditch on our leg, who have been "lucky" enough to do it since they moved in a year or so ago, are again not taking water.  I see a disturbing trend here.

I made it through the gym session this afternoon, though with upped weights I was not able to do all the reps in some of the sets.  Still, Jim did comment on how much progress I've made.  Once I got home I read throughout the rest of the afternoon, finishing up The Nightingale.  I found it an excellent read, and recommend that you put it on your list if you haven't already read it.

No surprise that I expect to crash early tonight.

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