Friday, August 28, 2015

Yesterday was a long, miserable day with my back.  By the time we were headed to the chiropractor in the late afternoon (Tom had to drive me) the monsoon was all around us, with lots of blowing dust where we were, and serious dark clouds where we were headed.  The chiropractor figured out what was wrong - my hip was out big time - and even asked if my toe was hurting (and in fact for the past several days I had checked several times to see if I had a sticker in it!) I was glad he was able to alleviate some of the pain (AND figure out how I had done it so I can avoid doing it again!) but this morning I seem to be right back to where I was.  Might have to make another trip to the chiropractor today.  Plus I don't see how I can go see Alex tomorrow, which is a major disappointment.

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