I enjoyed an uneventful flight to Maryland last Thursday – got my
preferred seat, and (despite the announcement that the plane would be full) the
one empty seat on the plane turned out to be the middle one next to me. With help I was able to connect my wireless
earphones to my laptop, and watched a movie – at least the first part;
unfortunately my (fully charged) laptop ran out of juice before the movie
The weather that Andy & Sandy ‘arranged’ for my visit <g> has been delightful – not hot, and the humidity level isn’t even
noticeable. I will say that EVERYTHING is very green here.
Saturday was somewhat involved (Emily would
have been a great asset planning the D-Day invasion) but everything went off
without a hitch. She needed Ed away from the house in order to set up the surprise, so he started his morning
here, when we enjoyed a bagels/lox brunch with 4 of the kids. When he left to take Charlie and Harry
to rendezvous with a cousin, Maggie and
Greta stayed here until Aunt Rachel came by later to collect them
And why take the stairs down to
watch a movie when you can ride the elevator?
The boys dropped off Ed for his birthday
massage, and Emily picked him up later, ostensibly taking him out for a
birthday dinner at a surprise venue.
Meanwhile she had been busy all day, supervising the set up
of their backyard for the party, which had 120 invitees.
There was a Grateful Dead tribute band,
plenty of shaded seating for when it was time to
and a tie-dying station.
The face painter created a lot of lovely designs,

though Harry’s wasn’t the only artistry that frightened Greta.
Their pool was a happening place most of the
day with so many kiddos there –
and there were lifeguards on duty to take the pressure
off the parents.
The large yard had lots of activities from which to choose.
Ed had no idea they were actually back at the
house (where the street was lined with all the guests’ cars) because she had
blindfolded him for the drive.
Ed was truly surprised!
Sunday was another bagel/lox brunch, with my
cousin Rachelle & Bob, and 101yo Uncle Allen. (Wish I'd gotten a picture with him!) He continues to do great: still 100% ‘all
there’, walks totally unaided (and faster than I do), and still practically breaks
a rib when he hugs me. Sadly his hearing
is bad, and now his eyesight has begun to fail.
Monday included a trip to the cemetery to visit
Mom & Dad.
Tuesday we rode the Metro down to DC where
Rachelle, a docent at the Holocaust Museum, treated us to a private tour. Though I’ve been there numerous times it had
been a while, and of course it’s always a moving experience.
The soldiers in this photo with Eisenhower, who had certainly seen their share of the horrors of war, all appear shell-shocked by what they encountered when they entered the camps.
Today has been pretty laid back. While Andy taught his first class of the semester (he’s teaching Evidence again at the law
school) Sandy and I zoomed The Only Winner in War is Medicine (from The Smithsonian) which we both found fascinating and thoroughly enjoyed.
Tomorrow we’ll head to the
beach for more relaxing – and, of course, crabs!