Monday, April 6, 2015

There was a lot of police activity in the neighborhood around dinnertime last night, but it seemed to be concentrated at the next intersection, Westcott and 39th.  Since I have a number of friends who live within a couple of houses of there (Jeannie, Shelley, Mimi) I was of course concerned about what was happening.  

It turns out that folks had called 911 because a man was in the intersection stabbing himself.  When police arrived to deal with the situation he approached them with the knife - so they shot and killed him.  Very sad ending to the situation, and I'm wondering why they didn't just tase him.   

Tom called last night from Idaho, where he's now visiting Carlo.  It's cold up there in Idaho, and he's ready to come home to sunshine and warmth.  Once he arrives back here I wonder how long it'll be before he's longing for the cooler climes up North...


Tired of only sleeping in two- or three-hour increments, I took a Lunesta last night.  Sure felt good to sleep six hours before waking up... and then I even dozed back off for another hour.  

In a bit I'm off to pick up our taxes; poor Alex got hit hard since The Mint has him as self-employed and didn't take anything out.

While packing up his stuff last night Alex found a few items of clothing that need some repair.  Of course he asked Dear Old Mom if she'd take care of it.... right away.  Which is when I reminded him that I asked him last Wednesday to fill up the gas cans so I can finish mowing the yard.  Today would be the last chance for him to do that.  

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