Friday, December 5, 2014

It's so nice to be able to get my e-mail (AND actually be able to open attachments in them), and also have pictures open automatically in a convenient format.  But I'm still having issues with icons on my picture folders - specifically WHY does a picture THAT'S NOT EVEN IN A FOLDER show up as the cover?!?  So one of these days "when I have time" I'll ask Itamar.  I was so happy to have my computer fixed and back home that I whipped up a bunch of (box) brownies this afternoon and delivered them to the guys over there (just a couple of blocks away.)  Itamar was appreciative, though stunned - he said it was definitely a first!   

Speaking of stunned, Tom was quite surprised when he found out they only charged me $59, calling it 'a real bargain'.

Alex spent day in Flagstaff snowboarding (maybe he'll share some pix with me, and I can share them here) and will be working (into the wee hours) at The Mint tonight. Ah, to have a fraction of his energy!  Or a recharging station, like this guy!  

I did finish up the binding today, and also did a little more weeding out front (taking advantage of yesterday's rain), but I definitely need to make more progress on my last (YAY!) needs-to-be-mailed project.  Sure would be nice to finish up this weekend so I could get everything into the mail Monday... but tomorrow morning (weather permitting!) I'd like to attend a dog agility trial at Paradise Valley Park, and tomorrow afternoon is Socrates Cafe (with Rene) at the Glendale Library.  Lots to do "for a change" ... LOL  Did I mention that I will also need to be making 3 more Baby Name bibs?  Estera, Deb and Summer are all expecting soon!  

Laura and I finally got to talk while I did a post-weeding soak this afternoon (first time she tried to return my call was when I was walking into the restaurant yesterday, second time was when I was getting dressed so I could head out to go see Betty this morning.) We cleared up the quilt frame confusion (I think!), and also set a tentative date (first Wednesday in January) for the annual Foothills board meeting.

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