Thursday, August 29, 2013

Yesterday I watched the 50th anniversary celebration on TV (once I got home from Busy Bees) and then last night watched the entire 1963 "I Have a Dream" speech on MSNBC.  Very powerful.

The BB meeting got me into a quilting frame of mind, plus I finally had the oomph yesterday afternoon to get back to work on the Panel Challenge - but <sigh> my next 2 blocks came out smaller than the original 4.  As you can probably guess, that did not make me happy... and I can't even use drinking as an excuse.

We had a (couple) more monsoon storms yesterday, one in the late afternoon where it poured for almost half an hour (with accompanying high winds, bright lightning, and loud thunder) and then again later in the evening, although for not quite as long the second time. 

Between storms I moved the grill closer to the back door so I could have some light (and also be rain-free), and did up some steaks at 9:00 when Alex got off of work.

This morning after my meds were delivered (it seems to be around 10:00 am each time, which is nice because it doesn't kill my whole day sitting around) I went out and set the irrigation gates (yes, we have irrigation tomorrow evening.)  Of course with all the rain we've had (with lots more predicted over the next 3 or 4 days) it hasn't dried out enough to mow in preparation; naturally Alex is bummed <g> that he won't get to spend part of his day off today doing the main ditch for me.... 
All the rain, however, did make the ground nice and soggy making it possible for me to spend some productive time weeding.  The horses were happy with all the piles that I gave them, and it will make mowing (down the road sometime) much easier, so the end result is worth it.   But the process is a lot of hard work, and my back doesn't enjoy it at all.

Then I cleaned out the pool (which was a bit of a mess) and once I stop sweating I'll pop into the shower and go run some errands.

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