Wednesday, December 5, 2012

I just got a call from Estera tonight; they had a bunch of company today and weren't able to get down to the hospital to visit Julianna this afternoon, and want to go this evening.  
So once they get Willie down for the night I'm going over to 'babysit' (as in read, and fall asleep on the couch) while they head downtown.  It's certainly no biggie for me, even though she says it will probably be late when they get home.  They're right across the corner from us, so I don't even have to drive.  I know it will be a big help for them (and I can nap anywhere) so I'm more than happy to do it.  Plus when I go over I'll get to see some pix of their new sweetie!

Last night I was going to watch some TV - but the cable wasn't working.  
We had a message scrolling across the box to call the company.  I finally got around to that late this afternoon (obviously it was not a crisis situation) and Mario was able to get us up and running without too much trouble.  It was SO nice not to have to schedule a visit from a repair-person; waiting around for them is always a hassle (boy, have I got a story about that!), and I'm booked until Tuesday!  While I was on the phone with Mario I decided to upgrade to a box with DVR, so (in theory, anyway!) I will be able to record and watch programs at my leisure.

I also set the Irritation gates in the backyard in preparation for tomorrow night, and 'convinced' Alex to mow the ditch.  This is the first cycle in half a year or so that we will also have to the gates on 35th Ave., so it stands to reason that we got a particularly crappy time.  I 'decided' that Alex gets to do the honors.  He had some difficulty understanding why I couldn't 'at least' do the 35th Ave. gates at 12:22 a.m. so he wouldn't have to be home 'so early'.  But despite his gripping he is going to do that, plus (of course) also let our water go at 2:39 a.m.

Tom reports that the weather is crappy where he is, and was surprised that the rain had not arrived here.  But with irrigation coming tomorrow night, it's entirely possible <G> for the rain to arrive tomorrow.

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