Sunday, September 10, 2017

Tracy finally became a grandmother on Friday.  Oliver already has a name cap, but I'm thinking he needs a name bib. <g>

My legs didn't seem sore when I woke up yesterday, but as the day progressed my quads started talking to me more and more.  Even though they are still sore today, my plan is to at least make an appearance at Boot Camp this afternoon, with the goal being to make it through at least 15 minutes.  Since I'll have to miss next Sunday (when I'll be in Flagstaff) I did toy with the idea of waiting to start back up two weeks from now.  But it's way too easy <g> to find excuses not to go, so it's probably best to just start back up like I promised myself I would.

A couple of friends have posted on FB about going to see Hamilton this winter when a touring company will be at Gammage, so this morning I looked into tickets.  The "cheapest" ones (and I use that term loosely) start at almost $500 for seats in the top balcony, and prices continue upward to over $1,000. 

Tom mowed everything yesterday so I shouldn't have to do any of that while he's gone.  He's still hoping to leave for Oregon (he 'needs' more rocks) in a couple of days. 

Now I'm getting ready to head outside to do some more trimming before it gets too hot, and then once Tom wakes up I'll do some jungle raking.  I have scheduled Paul to seriously trim back there in October (assuming it's cooled off enough not to kill the hedges) which should mean a LOT less raking for a while.   

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