Friday, May 20, 2016

The COX guy was scheduled for the 8-10 window this morning, though I was concerned that he would get here at the end of that time frame and I'd have to wake up Alex to come over when I have to leave for the gym.  But the tech guy arrived right at 8:00.  

Of course (!) it turned out to be more complicated than originally thought (the box outside the house also needed to be replaced), and he was here for 90 minutes - so maybe he'll be late to his next time slot.  But both TVs are now happy (AND he made the Cox remotes adjust the volume so now we'll only have to use one remote instead of two... who'd have thunk?)

I did get a lots of puttering done around the house while he was here (laundry folded and put away, dishwasher unloaded, vacuum 'reassembled' with clean filters, etc.) and even started sending out the first couple of batches of photos from vacation.

Plus I offered Pokey some watermelon, but for the first time in history she wasn't at all interested, and walked off... twice! 


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