Friday, April 22, 2016

I'm sporting a couple of sore fingertips this morning.  Yesterday, while washing some dishes, I "found" one of those newly-sharpened knives hiding in the soapy water.  It only took a week...

And speaking of found - I also found the "missing" bottle of Synthrapol yesterday, so I was able to treat the dye-heavy fabric for the binding on Andy's gift.  

The fabric did bleed a lot, but then rinsed clear, so there's a good chance it won't cause any problems when they wash the quilt down the road (though I will be sure to let them know to wash it separately the first time!)  

I was able to get the needed five 2.5" WOF strips out of the fabric, which when sewed together were enough to make it around the perimeter (and with about 12" to spare, even!)  I even got the binding is attached yesterday, and once my fingers recover I can do the final hand-stitching.

Now I'm just waiting for irrigation to finish this morning (I've been up since 4:30, well before my alarm was set to go off) so I can let it go.  Looks like we've gotten a very thorough soaking this cycle.

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