Monday, July 1, 2013

'Required field must not be blank"

On a happier note, I am having a good morning; my workout at the gym with Jim went well.  We worked on legs, and I am hoping that I will NOT experience the same aftermath that I did after my first day at the gym, when Brandon put me through some serious paces! 

Leaving the gym, I saw this grim reminder of what the Arizona heat does to our tires.  (A police officer was already there to help.)  I also took a picture of the shredded wires/rubber behind him, but <sigh> the light turned green and I forgot to hit 'Save'.

At the post office I mailed off clippings (and Target bags) to Bana, and then stopped at the hardware store to have a key made.  I kept that receipt, which ensured that the key would work when I got home.  <g>

Thought I was done running around, but forgot I need to pick up a couple of Rx at the drugstore.  After that, I'm in for the day!

1 comment:

  1. It's my understanding that tires will only shred if (#1) they are not properly inflated, or (#2) the car AND the tires are old.
