Sunday, July 7, 2013

never-ending yardwork

This morning I did some serious yardwork because I just cannot let the trash cans go out to the curb tonight empty! While looking for an appropriate pic (which I never did find) I instead found this smile for today.

It was easy to fill up one of the two cans after just trimming the hedge between the backyard and shop; I also sawed 3 dead limbs (one was pretty thick) from the tree in the corner.

Although I finished before 9:00 am it was still quite 'warm' out (it was already warm when I started!) and I was even warmer because I'd dressed in a long-sleeved shirt (got tired of dealing with all the scratches/gashes.)  At least when I was done I was able to jump into the pool and (sort of) cool off.  And as long as I was in there, I helped Creepy get some of the spots in the shallow end that he consistently seems to miss.

Just found out (while trying to get AQG to finally update their listing of Foothills' meeting place to reflect our move made months and months ago!) that Jeannie (the AQG Secretary & Membership Chair) lives on the next block of Westcott!  I'm guessing that hers is the house Tom pointed out after he drove by one evening and saw someone through the window quilting on a longarm.

And when I popped over to her website, 
I discovered that Jeannie also is a breast cancer survivor.  Obviously we are going to have to get together!

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