Thursday, July 11, 2013

I had a good visit with the medical oncologist this morning. (Tomorrow is another follow-up, with the radiation oncologist, and Monday with the surgeon.)  All of my 'extra' bloodwork came back fine (no reason to be tired) although she's going to schedule some scans to see if we can figure out why I'm having rib pain.
First it was on the right side, in the front.  Then the right side, in the back.  Then it moved to the left front.  Weird., huh?  Forteo is known to cause some pain, but generally in the joints (like knees.)  She's never heard about rib pain from it.

I did ask about the time table for removing the port; 
generally it's 6 months after chemo finishes.  
(But who's counting? LOL)

I was tired on the drive home (yawn, yawn, yawn) so after a lunch of homemade minestrone (thank you, Estera) I crawled into bed. Dozed through the afternoon (and yes, the phone rang three times) so it was not a productive day at all.

Alex stopped by on his way home from work with some different protein powder since the bag he'd brought me the other day had soy in it - but so did this one.  Might be harder than I first thought to find some that is soy-free. We had dinner together, and he filled me in on the latest with Rockstar.  He'll know more after his trip to Tahoe in early August.

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