Friday, September 2, 2011

Happy 21st Birthday, Lisa!

Two decades ago, desktop publishing was not ubiquitous like it is today.  (As hard as it is to believe, most people didn't even own a computer 21 years ago.)  For our very special baby we wanted a personalized birth announcement, and luckily I had a friend who was able to do that for us.  (Thank you, Marcela!)  We modeled it around Tom's profession as an exploration geologist, and had a lot of fun working it up.  Here's how it turned out.  Pretty spiffy, huh?
Note: We came home from the hospital the next day, which just happened to be my 40th birthday, and my New Life started. 
No question about it... easily the best birthday I ever had!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But a September baby in Arizona?
June, July and August are NOT the ideal timing for the 3rd trimester when you live in Arizona... especially when the Summer of '90 set some heat records!  We tried for a Winter or Spring baby, but (obviously!) it didn't quite work out that way! 

Plus, in the 'It's Funny Now, But Wasn't Then' Department: In June of 1990 (which, coincidentally turned out to be the day Marcela, of the birth announcement, was having her baby!) we had moved into a much bigger place.  Only days later Tom was working out of town again, and I was absolutely melting in the house.  I wanted to get someone over to check the swamp cooler, but Tom said it was just a bigger house and harder to cool, and when he returned home a week later he would check it out.  And guess what? 
 Turned out that the pads weren't getting any water, and I had been living in a shut up house, just blowing the hot outside air in... NO WONDER I WAS SO MISERABLE FOR A WEEK!  Incredibly, I had gotten a lot of unpacking and organizing done, and we were pretty much settled in our new nest by the time Tom returned home the following weekend.

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