Tuesday, September 25, 2012

At the oncologist's this morning I learned that I can't have tofu any more because it's high in estrogen (who knew?) and we're trying to keep estrogen out of my body. I'll need to start taking daily calcium and vitamin D supplements (because of the new daily med I will be taking for the next 5 years to block my estrogen production) and also have to get a bone density test before my next chemo as a baseline before starting on the Arimidex.

I was able to get the oncologist to add the pre-chemo steroid back into the mix for today's infusions, and I am heartily hoping that it solves the systemic itching issue!

It was pretty empty when I got to chemo but I still tried to get a party going with the M&Ms I brought to celebrate today being my last day of radiation! It was bagel day there so I got to eat a real breakfast after all (thought I might have to breakfast on chocolate...)

I was finished with chemo by 10:00. The benedryl did not make me the least bit sleepy (weird how sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't) so I was able to drive right away (last time I had to sit around for an hour or so) which meant I had plenty of time to head home before this afternoon's appointment.   

Marcela called, and we worked out a schedule for her early October visit (with her mom and sister) from SoCal. Something else to look forward to!

Today's smile:

Like Father, Like Son

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