Thursday, October 26, 2017

I ran a loop of errands yesterday, some more successful than others.  First stop was the Vitamin Shoppe, where I get my post-workout protein powder for my smoothies.  Looks like they have discontinued "mine" (which I just picked up less than 3 weeks ago) so I'll trying a new brand.

Next I popped into Sew Day at Foothills to drop off some things for Laura, though I still have Joy's bowls; she's on antibiotics and battling some crud that ruined the end of her vacation.  While I wandered around to "check" on what everyone was working on I scored a couple more excellent ideas for easy scrap quilts.  Marcie was finishing up cutting out pieces for her next quilt with her AccuCut (wonder if she made any "new best friends" yesterday? lol) and she suggested going to lunch.  

We lunched at Zupa's again.  I did want soup and salad, but with no microwave to increase the heat level it never makes it from the line to my mouth hot enough.  (I am my father's daughter!)  However, the woman taking my order suggested getting it to go (hence with a lid) and then when I asked the actual server to wait until the last possible second to scoop it (until my salad got passed down the line) he offered to put it in the warmer.  Bottom line? Not only was it was nice and hot when I got to my seat, but it stayed hot all the way to the bottom. 

I picked up Tom's book at the library (along with a couple other non-fiction titles from the NEW shelf that I thought he'd be interested in) so of course later in the afternoon one I've been waiting for came in.  The only thing on today's "schedule" (at least so far...) is to work on the placemats, so I'll be glad for a break at some point to make a run up there.  

I had a little time at home to piddle around and get a few miscellaneous things done, and then it was off for my pedicure with Luisa.  She's doing well after all her medical issues and surgeries last spring, and also is much more relaxed now that she doesn't have all the headaches of owning her own business.

One last stop at Sprouts for a premade meatloaf for dinner, and then home for good, when Alex joined us for dinner after his full day.  First he and Tom worked on the irrigation ditches (which I've been nagging Tom about every few months or so for over a year) when he worked up a huge blister on his hand.  Then, after "borrowing" all sorts of cleaning supplies from us, he spent the remainder of the afternoon cleaning the back house.

Last night I dreamed that I was at the chiropractor, and when I walked for him he pronounced everything in line and perfect.  

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