Saturday, January 3, 2015

Yesterday Tom and I had a pleasant lunch with Lisa and Chas at Wildflower, after which they finished packing up her car. Then I drove them to Scottsdale where they would finish packing up there so Chuck and Sue could take them to the airport.  It also worked for me to bring back a few of their large items to pack in her car so Alex won't have to detour to Scottsdale to pick them up on his way to California next weekend; it would sort of <g> be out of his way.  

Now that she's been 'gone' for 6 years, I'm hoping to take over her closet, so she cleared off a bunch of shelves for me.  One side of the closet is still pretty crammed with bags of stuff, so maybe next time she visits she'll have time to sift through those.

In the meantime, I'm going to continue of MY mucking/decluttering mission so she can't throw my bad example back in my face.  Now that's motivation!

Alex came by last night for dinner, and paid us some big bucks (rent/phone bill/car payment) from all the money he made over the holidays.  He bartended Thursday night (yes folks, that was the night after New Year's Eve) and said they did an outrageous amount business that day: $160,000 worth!!!  Tom and I had guessed the place would be empty, so obviously we are totally out of the loop...


Now off to the movies to see Unbroken.  Of course I don't expect it to be as good as the book (which I read when it first came out so I don't remember too many of the details) but friends who have seen it have given it good reviews.

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