Saturday, April 19, 2014

Even though it was overcast yesterday, everything was glad to get a 'drink' of water from irrigation; we had to skip the last cycle due to the pool replastering meaning it'd been 4 weeks instead of the usual 2.  We experienced a pretty intense dust storm here around noon - got the doors closed just in time! - but it moved out as quickly as it appeared.   

Of course the pool, which was sparkling clean beforehand, caught its share of dirt and leaves.  And that's when the pool guy showed up to service the pool.  But did I mention that since we can't run Creepy for a month (AND this whole RE-replastering has been a headache) they gave us one complete pool service, which includes cleaning.  (We usually take care of that ourselves and just use them for the chemicals.)  So the timing on that was pretty good.

And then a little later we actually got some sprinkles.  
We don't get much precip here, but I pretty much count on 'rain' whenever we get irrigation...

Nice afternoon with Patti yesterday.  (I hadn't realized school was closed yesterday for Good Friday.)  Between the two of us we figured out the tricky step on my gift for Mom so that's done, and then I worked on Zahn's bib while we visited.  I still have the N left to do, but should be able to get that done this morning before I head over there after lunch.  Before I can finish it, however, I do have to run to Michael's and pick up some black DMC for the outlining and eyes.  How I could be out of black I don't know.... but I am!

Have a fun day today... like these little guys!

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