Saturday, October 1, 2011

Nesting Robin

Not sure about Nesting Robins, but since the quilt is due at the Reveal Tea on Tuesday morning at Linda's house I really do have to make a decision and get sewing on it!

I haven't really been procrastinating... 
mostly was just waiting for inspiration to strike.
 caption reads: "I'm not procrastinating.   I'm proactively delaying the implementation of the energy-intensive phase of the project until the enthusiasm factor is at its maximum effectiveness."

At least I don't have this problem
No real surprise that those ideas rarely seem to work out for the best...

This is a more likely scenario

like this guy

That said, I'm going to take a shower (hey, it worked for him) and then grab some graph paper and a pencil and make a plan (whatever it turns out to be) so I can actually start sewing my different-sized pieces together.  When there's something to show, this will be the place to see it first!

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