Friday, December 23, 2011

Tonight is Night 4

The more candles we light, the prettier the glow.  :-)

This morning I finished reading Outliers: The Story of Success by Malcolm Gladwell.  He has an interesting explanation with regard to why some people succeed far more than others.  He has a very readable style of writing, comprised of many examples - with corresponding data - to illustrate his theories.
"The lives of outliers - those people whose achievements fall outside normal experiences - follow a peculiar and unexpected logic, and in making that logic plain Gladwell presents a fascinating and provocative blueprint for making the most of human potential."

In fact I enjoyed his book so much that I've put his other two books (The Tipping Point - about the way we understand the world -  and Blink - about the way we think about thinking - on my 'To Read' list.

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