Friday, March 8, 2013

This morning I saw Dr. Turner about my shoulder; we're going to try cortisone shots, and possibly do an MRI, plus I need to get a stretchy band to do some exercises. Afterward his nurse gave me a tutorial on how to inject my new meds (which were delivered yesterday.)  It's a pretty straight-forward procedure, although I admit that I was a little nervous when it was time for me to actually stab myself in the stomach with the needle.  

But small as the needle is, it really didn't hurt.  In addition to the actual pen syringe with the month's worth the medication, I've got (cute) individually packaged needles and my own official-looking disposal container; and even bandaids were included in the kit.  I feel like a junkie-in-training!

It was raining when I got up, and it's raining now, but it was 'considerate' enough to not be raining when I had to enter/exit the doctor's office.  Since the post office is in the next block I took the opportunity to mail off clippings to Mom and a birthday present to Marilyn.  By the time I came out of the post office it was just starting to rain again, but waited to come down hard until I was safely inside the car.  We folks here in Phoenix are so unaccustomed to rain that we might melt, so it's always wise not to take chances....

I did see a couple of kids playing out in their front yards down the street, looking cute in their bright raincoats.  It reminded me of how excited Lisa and Alex (children of the desert!) would get when it rained, just like kids in other places on snow days!  Here they are in Kingman (ages 2 and 4) all decked out and ready to splash in puddles!

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