Saturday, June 5, 2021

Yesterday I got my kenalog shot.  

While the procedure itself was somewhat unpleasant, at this point I'm willing to try just about anything.  After the injection the doctor had me try to walk, and though I did actually manage 2 or 3 steps unaided by crutches (yay!) the pain then kicked back in (boo!) 

I was still unable to walk yesterday afternoon/evening, 

and have not yet attempted it this morning. 


But after doing my research I am hopeful!

Steroids work differently from many pain killers, having a more complex mechanism to reduce pain. Because of this they need time to take effect. Then main mechanism for reducing pain and inflammation is that they reprogram our body’s cells to stop producing inflammation and to produce our own natural anti-inflammatories. Because this is a more indirect action than most traditional painkillers it does take significantly longer to produce its effect. Most research concludes that steroid injections take between 3-5 days to work.

Brownie and I made a visit over to Carol's yesterday; she was back home after spending five weeks in rehab after a nasty fall six weeks ago when she broke bones in her pelvis and arm, and dislocated her shoulder.  I was actually surprised to find her walking (unaided!) quite well around the house, though at this point she is still not pain-free.

Brownie behaved himself like a gentleman (there were no cats there to chase since Carol had lost her two quite elderly cats in recent months) so we have been invited back!  She enjoyed having an animal around again, and had actually had been looking to acquire a new cat the day of her accident! 


Time to get off the computer and do something productive. 
I expect to make substantial progress on my quilt today. 


And of course once I get dressed and put on shoes I will test out my foot.

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