Thursday, November 26, 2020

 This morning I was busy in the kitchen, like folks pretty much everywhere.  But instead of watching the Macy Parade while I worked, this year I decided on It's A Wonderful Life.

Deviling eggs were first on the agenda, and I was relieved that the eggs peeled easily and perfectly.  While it wouldn't detract from their taste, it's always nice when the whites also look attractive.

 Next were the potatoes, the last of the bucket that Tom dug up and brought back from Idaho.  They did need a 'bit' <g> more scrubbing than ones from the store, but that was no biggie ~

and paring went according to schedule.  

However there was a slight glitch...

I opted to try a brand-new knife to dice them up, which (having never been used before) was exceptionally sharp.  So "guess" what happened on its very first cut?  

Of course as soon as the blood appeared I instantly heard Dad's voice in my head, admonishing me to be very careful with a sharp knife.  He always preached safety, and know that he would have been unhappy about me slicing my finger.

I got the turkey prepped while I pre-heated the oven, and then slid it in right on schedule at 9:30.  The plan was to be able to take it out around 1:00, enjoy our feast around 2:00, and thus be stuffed and ready to visit on Zoom by 3:30.  

According to the enclosed Butterball directions, 2/3 of the way through cooking the turkey should be covered with foil, so I wanted to set the oven timer for 2 hours.  Usually I'm dealing with minutes, and had to keep starting over figuring out how to do the hours.

Then I worked on the dressing for the faro salad.  I did have to guess at some of the seasoning amounts because my measuring spoons, which I'd loaned to 'someone' at the back house several days ago (and who of course promised to return them...) still had possession of them.  

Luckily the amounts 'probably' <g> aren't crucial, like with baking!

Since Alex had turned out to rather unhappy that I'd gone into his place "nosing around" for Vera's collar yesterday, I decided not to do that again.

Almost 90 minutes into the turkey's cook time I went to peek through the oven door, wondering when that wonderful aroma would start wafting through the kitchen - which is when <OY!> I discovered that in addition to turning off the timer, at some point I'd also turned off the oven. 


So much for my planning; obviously now the dinner timing is going to be way off.  

Though turkeys pretty much cook themselves, 

in this case the cook somehow still managed to screw it up.

Guess my culinary reputation is still intact?

Happy Thanksgiving!

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