Sunday, November 22, 2020

 I got a surprisingly good night's sleep (despite napping last evening) so I didn't make it to Target this morning quite when they first opened.  Still, it was pretty empty in the store.  The most important things on my list were new ink cartridges for the printer, but <sigh> only the black was in stock; obviously I'll need to order the color one online asap since that's needed to print up some Chanukah gifts.  

I managed to cross off a good number of other items on the list, and thus didn't make it out of Target for (the always-hoped-for) under $100.  Afterward I popped next door to PetSmart for Brownie's food.  It wasn't crowded either, so I didn't have to wait in line on these circles. 

(That's 2 Great Danes, 4 cats or 16 hamsters)

 PetSmart was out of  Brownie's usual flavor (and in fact had only one bag left of 'his' brand) so I'm hoping he (and Vera, during her visits) will be happy with salmon instead of chicken. 

And while I'm on the subject of food, yesterday I picked a ripe-looking grapefruit.  While it tasted "okay", it wasn't nearly as juicy as it should be.  Guess between our overly toasty (and extended) summer, and thus our later-than-usual autumn, this winter's crop of grapefruit isn't quite ripe yet.

Melodie was in the neighborhood this morning and picked up her quilt.  It was very pleasant to chat for a bit on the front porch; topics included her current houseful (her daughter and three young grandkids are living with them 'temporarily') and the on-going political nightmare (we are definitely on the same page.)

I've been taking care of some banking, and am making progress on the Social Security snafu.  

I am still confused as to why my just-updated 2020 amount (which was supposed to have a cost-of-living raise of 1.6%) is still less than the 2019 amount, and will reflect a loss of several hundred dollars annually.  

While I am very grateful that I do not have to survive on that monthly check, I would like to receive what I am entitled to.

I'm thinking about taking Brownie to the dog park this afternoon.  It's a wonderfully large venue, and with lots of seating for the moms and dads - but it has no playground equipment. Before Covid I had tried looking into agility classes for Brownie because I think he'd be good at it.  Wish there was a local dog park where I could try him out, but I'm not aware of one. 

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