Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Washing machine got fixed yesterday!  

The internal water line had come loose (turns out that its clamp wasn't attached well, so it's likely that she shaking of an unbalanced load caused the tub to bump up against the water line and dislodge it.) Then because of that it also meant the internal sensor wasn't responding, which is why the tub kept filling up with water despite being set to the "mini" cycle.  We should be good to go now, and the next time the washer gets unbalanced (usually when I wash one of the rugs) we'll know what to check!

Sam also checked the washer at the back house, where parts underneath were rusted and a belt was frayed.  After Alex had reported an "electrical" smell I was most concerned about fire danger, but Sam allayed those fears.  Mostly he predicts that it's going to just quit working at some point in the not-too-distant future, so I'll look around for a new one and then wait for a sale.


At least I thought the washer was fixed, and ran a load last evening (when both Tom and I checked on it periodically just to make sure there wasn't water where it shouldn't be!)  All seemed well, at least until the cycle finished and I went to transfer everything to the dryer.  That's when I discovered the laundry was still sopping wet.  So I set the dial to "spin" - but the tub wouldn't revolve.  Tried again, same result.  So obviously it's another call to the repair folks once they open.

I've been awake since before 4:00... sigh!  Did fade early again last night, and of course waking this early does not bode well for staying up until a reasonable hour tonight.

Big excitement today will be the start to the wall demolition.

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