Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Monday Marilyn and Stubby spent the morning with us before heading back on her marathon 3-day drive to Texas.  She had hoped to be home by tonight, but with Monday's late start that might not happen - though it certainly was wonderful to see her a third time.  It's possible she'll make it out again in May when I'm here - though at this point, having been on the go for the past 6 weeks, traveling doesn't sound that appealing to her at the moment!

Tuesday afternoon Mom and I had planned to shop for a new recliner, but she wasn’t up for it.  So we played Rummikub instead.  We dined a little earlier than on Monday so it wasn't quite as far into dusk by the time I arrived back at Mink Hollow - in plenty of time to watch the debate with Sandy (Andy didn't get home from teaching Torts until almost 10:00.)  

Today's plans have also been tweaked.  Originally we were going to pick up Ann in Bethesda and go out to lunch at a Greek restaurant. But with thunderstorms and possible downpours predicted we decided that maneuvering two women 'of a certain age' (Mom is "only" 92, but Ann is 100) and their walkers might not be advisable.  I suggested just going over to visit her after lunch, but Ann wants to fix lunch for us in her apartment.

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