Thursday, October 24, 2019

Before my shower yesterday (but after a mug of  'coffee') I weighed myself - and it seems that I lost 3 pounds while in Maryland!  (It was hard to believe since ALL we seemed to do was eat...) 

I lost much of yesterday afternoon due to a doctor's visit, 
but once home I took care of (most of ) the mail.

 Later I caught up on the episodes of This Is Us 
that I had missed while I was gone.  

Other shows also recorded, but that's the most important one.  I love it, and since I worry that the system will get full and start deleting things it had to be watched first.

I was awake early again this 'morning', at 2:00 - but took a trazedone and (sometime after 3) I managed to fall back asleep until almost 5.  Next week I see my PCP, when I hope to get a referral to some sort of sleep clinic.  She has not been terribly sympathetic when I've brought up my concerns during the past two visits with her, insisting that "people need/get less sleep as they age".

But I'm tired of being tired! 

Maybe when I tell her that family and friends are also concerned about my frequent zombie days she'll believe me that some sort of intervention is needed?  Sigh...

Irrigation is switching over to the winter 3-week schedule, though for some unknown reason this first one has both east and west parcels on the same run; instead of our usual Tuesday we're getting water tomorrow.  Longer times between cycles should mean less time having Brownie's dog door closed off, except that without the intense heat it'll take considerably longer for the water to soak in and then for the mud to dry out.  So I'm pretty sure it'll be somewhat of a wash.

Later this morning I have a trip to the chiropractor, though I'm actually in pretty good shape except for my foot.  I'm going to take Sandy's advice and find a podiatrist; maybe she can figure out (and fix!) the problem.

Caught up on some of the local news last night, and it showed (several times) an incredible clip from a Phoenix traffic camera.  A couple pushing a stroller was walking across the street, in the crosswalk with the light, when a car in the right lane, running the red light, sped into view.  In that second, when it appeared that it would smash right into the pedestrians, a vehicle (crossing the intersection with the green light) appeared from the left side of the screen.  Because of the lanes of traffic stopped for the red light the 'legal' car could not see the schmuck racing toward the intersection.  But literally less than a second before the red-light runner would have killed those people, that legal car hit the illegal one, pushing it out of the way.  To say it was close call is truly an understatement!  Watch that clip for yourself here:

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